We’re on a mission to make building UIs with React fun.

Material-UI started back in 2014 to unify React and Material Design.

Today, Material-UI has grown to become one of the world's most popular React UI libraries – backed by a vibrant community of more than 1M developers in over 180 countries.

  • 2019

    Company founded

  • 18


  • 1m


  • 60k+

    github stars

Our mission

Our company is focused on making React UIs development easier, better, and accessible to more people. We build open source and commercial tools used by many hundreds of thousands of developers in production.

We're proud not only of the products we make, but also the community and partnerships we've cultivated with other developers and companies.

Join us

Our values

  • Transparency (our work is public most of the time)
  • Creating a safe, high-trust team
  • Building incredible developer experiences
  • Maintaining a healthy working environment
  • Helping to deliver web experiences that feel amazing to use on every device and connection type

Our vision is to provide an elegant React implementation of the Material Design guidelines that can be customized to fully match your brand.

The Material Design guidelines are an incredible starting point, but they do not provide guidance on all aspects or needs of an application. In addition to the guidelines-specific implementation, we want Material-UI to become whatever is generally useful for application development, all in the spirit of the Material Design guidelines.

Therefore, Material-UI will be not only be an implementation of the Material Design guidelines, but a general use UI library of components that are needed by many. This generalized use doesn't imply any other design methodology. It also means we will have components or combinations that are simply not addressed in the design guidelines.

We will focus on providing all the low-level tools needed to build a rich user-interface with React. Once we implement the Material design specification (which is a bar set quite high), you should be able to take advantage of it for your own business with any style customization needed.

We want to see companies succeeding using Material-UI in a way that matches their brand, close to the material philosophy or not. We don't want them to feel that their UI simply looks like another Google product.


Material-UI is maintained by a group of invaluable core contributors, with the massive support and involvement of the community.

Core Team

The development of the project and its ecosystem is guided by an international team, some of whom have chosen to be featured below.

Afton Wilderman

v1.x co-creator
Paris, France

Anibal Raynor

Paris, France

Alvera Russel

v1.x co-creator
Paris, France

Colt Bahringer

Paris, France

Armani Gutmann

Paris, France

Boris Towne

Paris, France

Community Contributors

Some members of the community have so enriched it, that they deserve special mention.

Jaqueline Crona

Open source focus
Paris, France

Lavina Strosin

Enterprise product designer
Paris, France

Imelda Walker

Paris, France

Jaida Kovacek

Paris, France

Kaleb Kessler

Open source focus
Paris, France

Core Team

The development of the project and its ecosystem is guided by an international team, some of whom have chosen to be featured below.

Orin Jakubowski

Date pickers
Paris, France

Leo Borer

Enterprise product designer
Paris, France

Leonard Wiegand

Enterprise product designer
Paris, France

Marlene Shields

Date pickers
Paris, France

Wallace Kilback

🇨🇳 Chinese docs
Paris, France

Norene Bernier

Date pickers
Paris, France

Sandy Schmeler

🇨🇳 Chinese docs
Paris, France

Join our team of creators & innovators

If you love the challenge of doing things differently, empowering creativity, and making real connections along the way–then this may be the place for you.

Material-UI is awesome. How can I support the project?

There are many ways to support Material-UI:

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Evangelize Material-UI by linking to material-ui.com on your website, every backlink matters. Follow us on Twitter, like and retweet the important news. Or just talk about us with your friends.

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Tell us what we're doing well or where we can improve. Please upvote (👍) the issues that you are the most interested in seeing solved. Give us feedback

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Suport us financially

If you use Material-UI in a commercial project and would like to support its continued development by becoming a Sponsor, or in a side or hobby project and would like to become a Backer, you can do so through OpenCollective or Patreon.

All funds donated are managed transparently, and Sponsors receive recognition in the README and on the Material-UI home page.

Open Collective

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You can answer questions on StackOverflow.

More stuff

Road map

Living document, layout out future plans and updates.

Road map

Living document, layout out future plans and updates.

Road map

Living document, layout out future plans and updates.

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